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As a Journalist student using this blog to gain a sense of how to write, what to write about and to generally gain some experience I am going to bore you with this tool. I will bombard you with film reviews, books reviews, news and every now and then my opinions on life in general (this may be more often than you expect). But don't let this put you off, I'm sure you will find something of interest which will entertain and perhaps even draw a few laughs.

Sunday 5 June 2011

Love or Hate? Music...

It's not very often you find a person who doesn't say that they are passionate about music or don't have a favourite music artist.

I love music as much as the next person but I hate being forced to listen to other people's crap loudly through the wall at stupid o'clock at night. Call me old, call me miserable, I really don't give two hoots. When I'm trying to sleep I don't want to hear your noise. Same goes first thing in the morning. I'm perfectly happy in silence, sipping my morning brew; I do not need someone to either be "blasting the tunes" next door or someone putting the music channels on the TV. If I'm sitting in front of a television set which is off then guess what...that is how I want it, OFF!!! First thing in the morning I do not want to see Rihanna shaking her booty all over my screen and I do not want to hear Akon exclaiming that he just had sex in the early hours of Sunday morning. And do not, I repeat, do not start me on people who blare their music out on the bus. If I don't like your music and the fact I can't, then the same goes for the 60 something lady two seats infront.

I, like thousands of others love a beat to dance to and there is a time and place for that. And it isn't in the quiet of night when normal people are trying to sleep or relax. On a morning I'd invite you to put on the TV if you so wish, just ask first and make sure it's something relaxing and simple, if not just keep it switched off. If you want to listen to your music, keep it to yourself, its why apple created Ipods.

All in all, I love music, but so long as it is what I want to hear, when I want to hear it.

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