Give it a go; you know you want to

As a Journalist student using this blog to gain a sense of how to write, what to write about and to generally gain some experience I am going to bore you with this tool. I will bombard you with film reviews, books reviews, news and every now and then my opinions on life in general (this may be more often than you expect). But don't let this put you off, I'm sure you will find something of interest which will entertain and perhaps even draw a few laughs.

Monday 6 June 2011

The Job Market...

It is absolutely impossible to find a job in this day and age, especially if you're a student. Since starting university I have found it impossible. Yet in my local Poundland there are about 6 young people who work for around six weeks to get their benefits. Okay, so it's free staff for Poundland but the kids don't realise they're working for about £1.80 an hour.

Is it not obvious that the reason there are not any jobs is because there are scroungers being forced to work for their peanuts. Yet we have students looking for work because we can't seek benefits and are supposed to live off loans even though we're trying to better ourselves for future careers.

To top all this off, there are thousands of students graduating every year from universities up and down the country;but once graduated only a small percentage get a job in a career which their degree is suitable.

As a budding journalist I plan on not relying on just a degree but on my writing, enthusiasm and perserverance.

The competiveness for the jobs that are out their has made me realise, if I want to get where I want to be then I need to focus now; enter competitions, do as much work experience as I can and just write for the sake of writing.

But until then the search for a summer job continues.

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