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As a Journalist student using this blog to gain a sense of how to write, what to write about and to generally gain some experience I am going to bore you with this tool. I will bombard you with film reviews, books reviews, news and every now and then my opinions on life in general (this may be more often than you expect). But don't let this put you off, I'm sure you will find something of interest which will entertain and perhaps even draw a few laughs.

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Film Review- Teeth

OUCH!!!!! Well that was painful... and I don't just mean for the men losing precious body parts. Who came up for the concept of a film like that? I'm not sure I could sit through it again, but at least I can say I sat through it once, and spent most of it laughing at how stupid the whole thing was.

A film based around a pure girl waiting to be married before sex who discovers her Vagina Dentata when a friend forces himself upon her. By the end of the film she is purposely running around attacking men with her new "friend".

Once seeing the teeth do their worst the first time there's not really much point in the rest of the film, especially considering you never actually see the teeth at work, just the aftermath.

I can honestly say I'm glad I didn't pay for a cinema ticket to see the film, and watched it from the comfort of my own bed. Not one of the most difficult plots to follow, then again horror comedies never are. Maybe next time we try 'Lesbian Vampire Killers' or 'Shaun of the Dead' cause frankly it can't be any worse.

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