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As a Journalist student using this blog to gain a sense of how to write, what to write about and to generally gain some experience I am going to bore you with this tool. I will bombard you with film reviews, books reviews, news and every now and then my opinions on life in general (this may be more often than you expect). But don't let this put you off, I'm sure you will find something of interest which will entertain and perhaps even draw a few laughs.

Saturday, 8 June 2013

The sun is...

... out and I have nothing to wear! Serves me right putting all my weight back on... after losing near enough 3 stone last year, I have spent the last year at university putting it back on. Got to love university stress and all the sitting still. But finally I have decided now that the suns out and its much warmer I don't need the stodgy comfort foods, its is now time to live on salad, pasta and cereal bars once again!

In the meantime I need to invest in something summery I can wear now, because my leggings and jumpers are just not up to scratch for this weather, so today I am going to have a gander for a skirt/dress/pair of cut-offs. Basically whichever I can find at a reasonable price and in my size. So wish me luck. I will be back later with a food log and my evaluation on how successful today has been (I can't see it being very successful at all).

I hope you're all out enjoying this weather and getting a luscious tan, which unfortunately I don't get as due to my complexion I just generally burn and get an excessive number of freckles.

Me and my ginger skin complexion... but guess what, I'm not actually ginger!

Be back later for a dietary update and any purchases of the day :-)

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