Give it a go; you know you want to

As a Journalist student using this blog to gain a sense of how to write, what to write about and to generally gain some experience I am going to bore you with this tool. I will bombard you with film reviews, books reviews, news and every now and then my opinions on life in general (this may be more often than you expect). But don't let this put you off, I'm sure you will find something of interest which will entertain and perhaps even draw a few laughs.

Tuesday, 11 June 2013


... there! I'm getting used to eating fewer calories but not going hungry I think; that said I didn't get out of bed until nearly half 10 this morning so was fewer hours to my day but still. Its also going to be a short post because I may have actually found myself a job and am going to go tonight to see what its like, hence the earlier post. Here's hoping this is going to work out.

In the meantime, as I said yesterday, I decided to throw myself down the stairs on Sunday and thought I'd treat you all to a picture of my lovely bruised forearm!

Its still a bit sore!

Food Time
2 Warburtons Nimble slices (toasted) = 102 calories
Garlic and herb Philadelphia = 46 calories

Due to the late get-up everything kinda merged so lunch became more of snacks-ville
Quavers = 88 calories
Weight Watchers caramel cake = 88 calories

1/2 Linda McCartney cheese, leek and red onion plait = 235 calories
Tesco spicy wedges = 180 calories
Salad & Coleslaw = 100 calories 
Tesco Everyday Value bread slice = 105 calories

Total = 944 calories

I love the fact that allow I've been awake fewer hours I managed to use more calories than usual, oops... I do blame the Linda McCartney plait, it had to be shared with the mother because I could not justify 470 calories for half of my meal! 

So this is all you're getting today unfortunately as I need to be off for the evening, I will report back tomorrow night, as always to give you the low down on my day and my diet!

Monday, 10 June 2013


... has been a very long day. Its well and truly horrible when you get hungry and try to avoid overeating because you don't want to use up too many calories on a snack. Fortunately I had a plan today when this happened; I had an alternative option for tea which saved me 100 calories I could use to treat myself with (aren't I a clever girl). Finding bread with 51 calories in a slice made my day! Hello Warburtons Nimble, welcome to my diet cupboard essentials.

I know what you're thinking, why on earth didn't she just do some exercise the lazy so-and-so? Yes I know I can be lazy but after falling down the stairs yesterday I though maybe squats and weight lifts were a little bit inappropriate. So no I have a lovely bruised elbow and a sprained ankle, which I'm probably lucky is the worst of it; at the time it felt like a lot more damage than that!

Food times
Ski raspberry yoghurt = 118 calories

Smoky ham Quorn slice = 34 calories
2 slices Warburtons Nimble = 102 calories
Quavers = 88 calories

Tesco Everyday Value Spaghetti in tomato sauce = 200 calories
3 slices Warburtons Nimble toast = 153 calories

Grapes = 67 calories
Weight Watchers carrot cake slice = 84 calories

Total = 843 calories

While I was at my nans house today I thought it was best to get myself on the scales and double check I hadn't put on even more weight since the last time I went to the doctors. I haven't. I am still 16 stone and 2 pounds. Now I know what I weigh its time to decide how much I want to lose. I think I'd love to get down to around 11 stone, a nice healthy weight for my 5 ft 8 self.

Tonight is a night dedicated to me and taking it easy on my ridiculously sore ankle, so I have a big decision to make... what television box set do I watch?! Big, big decision.

Tonight is a girly night to myself

But the big question is, which of these box sets do I put on?!

I have a funny feeling it could be a night of Thundercats while munching my grapes. Sounds good to me!

Tomorrow will also be a day of job hunting and writing as I need to get on the ball and do something with my life. I can no longer wallow away in my self pity in my bedroom, I will find something. And hopefully having something to do will distract me from eating.

Tomorrow's post is looking thrilling already with an update on job applications and more dieting! It's like following the life of a student whose just finished their final year at uni and struggling to find a job... Oh that's right, thats exactly what this is! See you tomorrow :-)


... was a very bad day for dieting, but I didn't expect it to be any different. It was birthday celebrations for my brother so it was BBQ day! The weather held out and I ate loads, but I didn't do quite as badly calorie-wise as I had expected. My downfall was alcohol, ooops. Seeing as I got in exceptionally late last night you will again be treated to two posts today, one about yesterday and todays.

But before you get the opportunity to be overly jealous about all the food I munched yesterday as promised here is the photograph of my pretty new Primark skirt. Its lovely floaty material with a short underskirt so the whole world can't see your nicnics. Added bonus, the elastic waist meant I could munch loads without feeling uncomfortable afterwards.

£12 skirt from Primark - Love it!

Food diary time!

Weetabix cereal bar (chocolate) = 70 calories

BBQ party times
1 Quorn burger = 98 calories
1 Quorn sausage = 70 calories
2 buns = 280 calories
2 small jacket potatoes = 180 calories
3 cheese slices = 135 calories
Fried onions = 50 calories
Cous cous = 80 calories
Small portion of pizza = 80 calories
Small slice cheesecake = 250 calories
Calypo = 70 calories

2 Carling = 250 calories
2 dry white wine = 230 calories

Total = 1780 calories

So basically if I hadn't had alcoholic beverages or dessert then I would have still made it under my 1000 calorie target give or take. So all in all I am quite happy!

Watch out for this evenings blog post...

Saturday, 8 June 2013

I'm back...

... just like I said I would be. Back and taking my diet seriously! So last time I went for a check up at the doctors I discovered I'd put on all the weight I'd lost and was so miffed. I hadn't realised I'd put it all back on and was trying to convince myself that I'd only put 2 stone back on, but no such luck. My next appointment is mid July so here's to getting well under 16 stone by then!

I'd like to get looking like this again, as this photo was taken after I'd lost over 2 stone last year (my shorts are too big here)

So today is the first day of a new me and here's what the new me has eaten!

2x Tesco Everyday Value white bread (toasted) = 210 calories
Garlic and herb Philadelphia = 46 calories

Due to going shopping I was naughty and only snacked! But on low calorie snacks, so not too bad.
Tesco Everyday Value Onion Rings (crisps) = 70 calories
Weight Watchers caramel cake bar = 88 calories

Homemade Quorn steak balti = 238 calories
Sweet potato (jacketed) = 172 calories
Orange juice and Sprite Zero (mix) = 22 calories

Evening Snack
To get rid of the last extra special over 100 calorie-a-pop treats I ate the last Milky Bar.
Milky Bar = 137 calories

Total Calories = 983 calories

And don't panic if you don't think I'm including my drinks! Today I only had black coffee and sugar-free-under-a-calorie pop, and very little of it. I do need to train myself into drinking more water and I will. Promise. I also did a bit of exercise, which apart from walking I have done very little of for like a year nearly (I know, I'm shocking). So today I did sit-ups for the very first time (they probably weren't very good ones but I tried) and I lifted my little girly weights, 80 reps each arm.

On the shopping front I treated myself to a lovely maxi skirt from Primark to get into the summer spirit, which makes me very happy. As I am planning on wearing it tomorrow (if the weather allows me) I shall be posting a picture for you all to see my summer find. I am going to apologise in advance if the weather is shocking tomorrow, if it is its because I bought my summer skirt, blame me!

Now to enjoy my Milky Bar while watching Saturday night TV... Casualty followed by whatever tickles my fancy on DVD.

See you tomorrow with a food diary update and photos! 

The sun is...

... out and I have nothing to wear! Serves me right putting all my weight back on... after losing near enough 3 stone last year, I have spent the last year at university putting it back on. Got to love university stress and all the sitting still. But finally I have decided now that the suns out and its much warmer I don't need the stodgy comfort foods, its is now time to live on salad, pasta and cereal bars once again!

In the meantime I need to invest in something summery I can wear now, because my leggings and jumpers are just not up to scratch for this weather, so today I am going to have a gander for a skirt/dress/pair of cut-offs. Basically whichever I can find at a reasonable price and in my size. So wish me luck. I will be back later with a food log and my evaluation on how successful today has been (I can't see it being very successful at all).

I hope you're all out enjoying this weather and getting a luscious tan, which unfortunately I don't get as due to my complexion I just generally burn and get an excessive number of freckles.

Me and my ginger skin complexion... but guess what, I'm not actually ginger!

Be back later for a dietary update and any purchases of the day :-)